
Suikun UI Pre-Alpha

Note: This project is NOT ready for production use. It is still a work in progress.

Copy-pastable UI components built with TailwindCSS and Radix UI.

Suikun UI (or SUI) is a collection of UI components where each has multiple variations.

It is NOT a UI component library, but rather a UI Kit.

I've been developing my own UI components instead of using existing ones. This project aims to unify, standardize and document the roughly-made UI components I've built throughout the years that I've been working on as a web developer and share with the community.

Moreover, I want to make this project customizable as much as possible thus the use of class name aliases.

This documentation is still a work in progress so stay tuned.


  • shadcn/ui - being the first to create a UI Kit. Inspired me to finally start this project.
  • Radix UI - for creating accessible unstyled UI components in which I used as my primitives.
  • TailwindCSS - the utility-first CSS framework that I use.
  • Tailwind Variants - for enabling variants with TailwindCSS.
  • Vercel - where I deployed my sites.